macOS programming

  • Creating Status Bar Apps on macOS in Swift

    Status bar apps are a unique category of apps on macOS, and this post takes you step-by-step in the process of making one of them! Explore everything from scratch up to a fully working app, and learn how to make yours!

  • Working with Collection Views on macOS

    Learn how to add collection views on macOS projects and how to display collections of data with that standard control.

  • macOS Programming Tutorial: Working with Custom Views and Cocoa Controls

    Great apps have great user interfaces, and chances to build a great interface entirely inside the views of the view controllers in the storyboard file(s) are small. Usually, complex views are being designed in separate Xib (Interface Builder) files, and knowing how to load content from custom views is a mandatory skill that each macOS…

  • macOS Programming: Working with Dark Theme and Building a BMI Calculator

    Welcome to another macOS programming tutorial! In the previous post we made our introductory steps on macOS programming world as we discussed about fundamental concepts. In this tutorial, we are going to explore and unveil new interesting things that would be necessary to anyone who wants to make their way to macOS development.